


The following day, the woman sent WeChat messages to friends saying that Mr. Liu had raped her after the dinner. She told them that she had been “way too drunk” and unable to stop Mr. Liu from touching her while they were in the back seat of a limo, which she also recounted to the police.


When she was driven to a house she did not recognize, she asked to be taken back to her apartment, according to her statement to the police. There, Mr. Liu forced himself on her, she told the police. She told him “no” several times, she said.


A Carlson School administrator, Mandy Xue Bai, called the police in the morning after hearing about the alleged rape, according to the statements to the police. Ms. Bai also encouraged the woman to report the incident to the police. Ms. Bai declined to comment.

根据警方的陈述,在得知强奸指控后,卡尔森学院的一位管理人员白雪(Mandy Xue Bai,音)于上午报了案。白还鼓励这名女子向警方报告。白拒绝置评。

“I am so very proud of our client’s courage, in coming forward and placing all of her trust and faith in the American justice system,” said Wil Florin, one of the lawyers representing Mr. Liu’s accuser.

“我的委托人能够站出来,将她的信任与信念完全托付于美国司法系统,为此我深感自豪,“刘强东的指控者的代表律师之一威尔·弗罗林(Wil Florin)说。

Jill Brisbois, one of Mr. Liu’s lawyers, said that he was “unable to defend himself” because he “does not want to interfere with the process” while county attorneys decide whether to file charges.

刘强东的律师吉尔·布里斯博伊斯(Jill Brisbois)说,他“无法为自己辩护“,因为他“不想妨碍程序“,而县检察官则将决定是否提出指控。

8月30日,包括刘强东及其指控者在内的一群人在一家名为Origami的日本餐馆吃了晚餐。 REUTERS

“It is unfair to publish a one-sided story when once a determination has been made, all evidence will be disclosed to the public that will tell the complete story and we believe his innocence will be apparent,” she said in a statement.


A week after the accusations against Mr. Liu surfaced, a new group of executives with the Carlson program started classes in China.


JD.com says that there has been no disruption to day-to-day business. Mr. Liu has cooperated with Minneapolis law enforcement officials, the company said in a statement, and will cooperate further if requested.


Last month, Mr. Liu and his wife were seen in England — she in a bright pink dress, he in a matching pink tie — attending the wedding of Princess Eugenie, ninth in line to the British throne.

上个月,刘强东和他的妻子在英国露面——后者穿着明艳的粉色裙子,刘则佩戴同色领带——参加英国王室第九顺位继承人尤金妮公主(Princess Eugenie)的婚礼。

上个月,刘强东及其妻子在英国参加尤金妮公主的婚礼。 MAX MUMBY/INDIGO, VIA GETTY IMAGES

作者:Tiffany Hsu、Raymond Zhong、Carolyn Zhang

Tiffany Hsu和Carolyn Zhang自明尼阿波利斯报道,Raymond Zhong自北京报道。

Matt Furber和Christina Capecchi自明尼阿波利斯对本文有报道贡献。


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